By eliminating the “Therapeutic Jurisprudence” you will have cut the high cost of family Court and help to ensure ‘equal access to justice’ under the constitution. Technology is ‘key’ to all realms of the Judiciary. Publicizing and e filing is the best way to cut costs and ensure pro se litigants have equal access to their own court documents. It as well opens up the closed doors and shines a light giving less opportunity for corruption to grow.
There MUST be Transparency and accountability and consequences for derelict Judges and renegade Attorneys, Mental Health side kicks and other ‘friends of the courts’- known as (3rd party profiteers) They are why the system is so corrupt and they alone are causing the increased costs of running courts because after all is “Just-Us” and they line their pockets well.
REMOVE all ‘therapeutic jurisprudence’ which denies access to justice. Remove the mental health so called professionals , mediators, case managers, co-parenting, shared parenting and high conflict - shared parenting programs, who make a fortune by doing custody evaluations and taking a high conflict case’s translates into DOMESTIC VIOLENCE and ABUSE
As Americans For Prosperity recently posted article--about this case and other outrageous cases by Kansas Judges:
“Common sense says if you rape a little girl or beat the hell out of your wife you shall get punished for that in a severe matter. However, the list of outrage goes on. We believe at Patriotic Thunder that a Judge should have the ability to "depart" from the traditional sentencing, but dammit, use some common sense in ALL your cases and throw out the absurd ones, don't entertain this crap.
Dear Panel Members, my name is Claudine Dombrowski,
I am a Survivor /Advocate and Activist for Domestic Violence Victims and their Children. I am on the Kansas Secretary of State’s, Address Confidentiality Program - Safe At Home for Victims of Domestic Violence. I bring to this panel both Criminal and Family Court Failures.
I have been beaten with crowbars, thrown out of moving vehicles, have had both wrists and several ribs broken, thrown through plate glass windows, tied up, raped and sodomized then left in a crawl space for several days. Just to name a few of the Criminal Assaults-by an already 8 (Eight) time criminally convicted perpetrator to include but not limited to: (Battery, Attempted Battery, Battery of a Law Enforcement Officer, Obstruction of Legal Process, Possession of Marijuana, Violation of Open Container law, Violation of Restraining Orders, Domestic Violence and Terroristic Death threats)
I am on 100% physical Disability related to the injuries.
Claudine lost custody of her baby daughter Rikki to Hal Richardson, the man who did this, thanks to Judge James P. Buchele, who refused to permit
adequate testimony at trial, shortening it to benefit his docket, and also ordered Claudine to move back to Topeka to live near Richardson, for the sake of their "co-parenting." WHAT?! Richardson is a man with multiple criminal convictions for violent behavior (Battery, Attempted Battery, Battery of a Law Enforcement Officer, Obstruction of Legal Process, Possession of Marijuana and violation of Open Container law), a man who has beaten and raped Claudine multiple times before and after her divorce from him, a man who has threatened to kill her and her child.
Worse, Judge Buchele also ordered Claudine not to call the police any more without the permission of her case manager. When Judge James Buchele retired, Judge Richard D. Anderson affirmed Buchele's previous orders, including the illegal prohibition on Claudine's being able to call the police.
But don't blame the judges alone. Stupidity rarely works its evil in a vacuum. A truly egregious outrage requires that could-be good men do nothing. Guardian ad litem Scott McKenzie deserves a substantial portion of the credit for this travesty. I ask, how in hell can this happen in the United States of America? For more information, also see :
As you know, and have heard by many, all Judicial Complaints of Judges come back ‘rubber stamped’ no ethics violations, Judge Dowd was no exception to the rule. The Kansas Attorney Disciplinary Board is no better. Clear legal and ethical violations of an attorney GAL- Guardian ad Litem violating confidentiality rules, assaulting parties in the Courthouse halls, Police Reports and audio recordings- all come back rubber stamped ‘No Violations’, whilst they still get paid monthly from county tax dollars for being on a case that that they never work.
MANHATTAN, KS - To some this could be considered beautiful. Solid mahogany is beautiful when given a high finish and it does have a high finish. It is about four to four and a half feet long, a foot and a half high; with shinny brass handles at the foot and head. A child's coffin, in this home has been turned into a coffee table.
To Claudine Dombrowski it is not beautiful, that is her daughter, six-year-old Rikki on the couch behind the threatening coffee table. If a coffin coffee table is not enough, a hunting rifle hangs on the wall above the couch.
I strongly urge that if you do nothing else that you watch these three documentaries that detail the family court corruption and the genocide of battered mothers and their children when they dare to leave a violent relationship with her children and enter Family courts thinking mistakenly that the courts would protect. That they had the human ‘right’ to be free of violence, when they do not.
- 2005 PBS Documentary: Breaking The Silence; Children’s StorieView in its entirety here:
- 2008 Family law Documentary by the Crisis in the Family Courts; Our Children at Risk - View in its entirety here:
- 2010 Domestic Violence Continued: High Conflict Child Custody Litigation View in its entirety here:
- 2011 No Way Out But One is a documentary currently in post-production