Read more at mediamisses.wordpress.comHere’s another to add to the list:
Bonds reduced for two charged in toddler’s murder
A judge reduced bonds Wednesday for the two people charged in the first-degree murder of a toddler last year.
Amy Parmer, 27, of Hiawatha, and Zyriah Schlitter, 24, of Cedar Rapids, are both charged with first-degree murder and child endangerment resulting in death. They are accused of killing 17-month-old Kamryn Schlitter, who died from head trauma. Zyriah Schlitter is Kamryn’s father and Parmer is his ex-girlfriend.
Of course he had custody:
Schlitter and Parmer had exclusive care and custody of Kamryn from March 1 through March 21, 2010 and while at a daycare center on March 8 and March 15, workers noticed bruising to her face, according to the complaint
Sexual Trauma and Abuse Care Center staff furloughed amid funding issues -
The Lawrence Times
Sexual Trauma and Abuse Care Center staff furloughed amid funding issues The
Lawrence Times
1 week ago