Women’s E-News has written about this topic in the past – it’s the mainstream media outlets that ignore it:
However, certain injustices (crimes, really) that I first began tracking in the late 1970s have now gotten much worse. For example, battered women are losing custody to their batterers in record numbers. Children are being successfully brainwashed by fathers, but many mothers are being falsely accused of brainwashing. Worse: Children with mandated reporters–physicians, nurses or teachers–who report to them that they have been sexually abused by their fathers are usually given to those very fathers. The mothers of these children are almost always viewed as having “coached” or “alienated” the children and, on this basis alone, are seen as “unfit” mothers.
It’s even tough in Taiwan:
are fighting for custody of their children.
In court, judges prefer not to change the status quo in the family. If the father takes the child away from the mother before or after the parents separate, for example, the judge will usually grant custody to the father, for fear that the child will have difficulty adjusting to a new lifestyle, she said.
Read more at mediamisses.wordpress.com…It found that serious problems can arise when women are fighting for custody of their children.
In court, judges prefer not to change the status quo in the family. If the father takes the child away from the mother before or after the parents separate, for example, the judge will usually grant custody to the father, for fear that the child will have difficulty adjusting to a new lifestyle, she said.
Should the mother ask for a retrial, the case is heard in the same court and very often the judges still award custody to the father, Chi said.
Last year, judges ruled 61 percent of child custody disputes in favor of the father, she said.
“The judges are supposed to make their decisions based on the best interests of the child, but what we are seeing is totally different,” Chi said.
This is what can happen to women in a custody dispute (even w/o previous violence in the relationship) - it’s not happening to men on the same scale – yet the media is picking up on men’s stories in divorce & custody. Some articles don’t mention who has custody or where the biological mother is when the child(ren) is in the care of the custodial Dad.
Friends mourn teens killed in Chula Vista suicide
A family friend told 10News the former attorney and life coach was having financial problems and was at risk of losing his home and full custody of the boys. He and his wife, Maria, filed for divorce in 2007.
He had full custody of two boys ages 13 and 15 – and he killed them both and them committed suicide (the 3rd murder-suicide this month in this area).