by Let'sGetHonestBlog
Not a Private Matter – Why "Family" "Law" System Hurts Us Al
Do you think it was a MOTHER or a FATHER that did this?
Was there an enabling 2nd woman around at the time?
As I say, there is approximately one a week coming to the press.
How cast iron is your stomach? Because if you can’t stomach what’s happening to this society and why, there may come a time when the blinkers must come off, and concerns worse than foreclosure, or inflation, become paramount in one’s life..
This reference comes from a newspaper via Michael Moore website, and from this site referenced below. I hope you will take some time to read her comments 9n this case on the Michael Moore site (linked on the title to this article, below).
February 8th, 2010 2:54 PM
U.S. soldier Joshua Tabor waterboards his daughter, 4, because she couldn’t recite alphabet: police
By Brian Kates / New York Daily News
A GI waterboarded his 4-year-old daughter in their suburban Tacoma, Wash., home because she couldn’t recite the alphabet, police reported.
Joshua Tabor, 27, allegedly admitted to police he used the torture technique because his daughter was terrified of water and he was furious she didn’t know her ABCs.
Tabor was arrested Sunday and charged with assault of a child.
Tabor, a soldier at the Lewis-McChord base in Tacoma, Wash., told police he held the little girl’s head backward in a sink of water, Yelm Police Chief Todd Stancil told the the local newspaper, the Nisqually Valley News.
Stancil said Tabor had admitted to using this means of punishment three to four times.
Police found the little girl locked in a bathroom with bruises on her back and scratch marks on her neck and throat.
Asked how she got the bruises, the girl is said to have replied, “Daddy did it.”
Police did not release Tabor’s rank or the nature of his military service. His base is home to units that have served in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The girl, who was not identified, had been in Tabor’s court-ordered custody for about a month and a half.
After his arrest, she was placed in the care of Child Protective services, Stancil said. She had moved to Yelm from Montana where she lived with her grandparents. Her mother lives in Kansas.
Cops arrested Tabor after neighborhood residents reported him walking around his neighborhood drunk, wearing a Kevlar Army helmet and threatening to break windows.
Tabor’s girlfriend told police that Tabor has an anger problem and beats his daughter, Stancil said.
Tabor reportedly said his girlfriend helped hold the girl down in the water. She had not been charged.
The couple has a 2-month-old child together, Stancil said
I’ve been speaking about this sad profit-making practice for few years now. [1], [2], [3] My latest speeches are posted at:
[1] Dr. Sidiakina, N.A. (2010) STOP Family Courts’ Torture And Abuse of Protective Parents And Self-Represented Parties:[2] Dr. Sidiakina, N.A. (2009) Family Courts’ Reliance on Parental Alienation Syndrome Theory Turns Normal Children Into Mental Retards:[3] Dr. Sidiakina, N.A. (2009) The Family Courts’ System in California Turns Children into Slaves: want to track that case? Why did the mother of this 4 year old move to Kansas (or him to Washington)? When, where and why was this little girl in Montana, with “grandparents.”
For the uninformed, “grandparents” in custody battles, particularly any ones that involved domestic violence or child abuse, or allegations of it, come in TWO brands:
1. His (in which case, what kind of sense does it make putting a kid in the custody of the parents who raised a man that has been abusive? Or woman?)
2. Hers (another factor to consider is that SOME families respond to the breakup of their child’s relationship, or marriage, differently than others. Some families support their biological (adult) child, others turn on them. This becomes interesting when one figures that one generation of poor boundaries, and lack of understanding that it’s wrong to hit may produce an adult woman who doesn’t have the greatest boundaries in marriage. Or, other scenarios may include a young adult child needing so desperately to get away from an abusive (or simply emotionally bloodless/cold) family of origin she mistakes lust for love. Or doesn’t mistake it, but simply takes the closest apparent exit.
I don’t know about this case. I’m just providing the links.
Do you (“Gentle readers”) Understand the power of multiplication? Any good business person, network marketer, or affiliate of any product, should understand the principle.
Well, guess where these incidents are ‘bred’? The Family Courts ARE the incubators for sure. They are a hotbed of profit — for some. Not the four year olds, of course…
LOOK: A need is a market niche. If problems were simply solved in the most direct, honest, and sensible way, there goes a business opportunity, and it would have to knock on other doors.What better constant stream of cash than a SYSTEM which generates problems? And when people are MANDATED to go through it, basically, unless their marriages are intact (and 1 out of 2, approximately, in the US aren’t), there’s practically No Exit.
We have in this one case, apparently a vet applying Boot Camp procedures (and worse) to a kid. Thankfully, this one got caught.
Go figure!Written by familycourtmatters
February 9, 2010 at 10:17 am
Posted in After She Speaks Up - Reporting Domestic Violence and/or Suicide Threats, Cast, Script, Characters, Scenery, Stage Directions, Context of Custody Switch, Domestic Violence vs Family Law, Funding Fathers - literally, Split Personality Court Orders, Where's Mom?
Tagged with waterboarding kids
« “However, in Victorville [family] court…” (Mind-reading by a judge leads to 2 deaths…)
The Hidden Price Tag of Child Support…. »
Technorati Tags: LetGetHonestBlog,Private,Matter,System,QUIZ,MOTHER,FATHER,woman,inflation,life,reference,newspaper,Michael,comments,article,February,soldier,Joshua,Tabor,daughter,Brian,Kates,York,News,Tacoma,Wash,technique,ABCs,Lewis,McChord,girl,Yelm,Police,Chief,Todd,Stancil,Valley,punishment,times,bathroom,marks,neck,throat,Daddy,nature,Iraq,Afghanistan,custody,Child,Protective,services,Montana,Kansas,Cops,residents,Kevlar,Army,helmet,Sidiakina,STOP,Courts,Torture,Abuse,Parents,Self,Reliance,Parental,Alienation,Syndrome,Theory,Normal,Children,Into,Mental,California,Washington,violence,Hers,factor,SOME,relationship,marriage,figures,generation,boundaries,greatest,origin,links,Gentle,Understand,multiplication,person,marketer,product,principle,LOOK,niche,problems,cash,Exit,Boot,Camp,procedures,Written,Domestic,Suicide,Threats,Cast,Script,Characters,Scenery,Stage,Directions,Context,Switch,Split,Court,Orders,Where,kids,Victorville,Mind,Hidden,Price,Support,units,speeches,References,allegations,scenarios,readers,incidents,doors,marriages,Fathers,deaths,familycourtmatters,couldn,alphabet,four,month,grandparents,girlfriend,selfrepresentedfool,html,doesn
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