
Los Angeles County DCFS Child Social Workers violating Laws - Philip L. Browning Los Angeles County Children and Family Services


Another PAS (Parental Alienation Syndrome) Scandal.This came from a grandfather seeking help for his daughter and grand-daughter. Please scroll down to read the letter sent to all major media and the DA who refuses to protect a child from her pedophile father. DCFS et el --Google your names now, you have been exposed. California Highway Patrol Report



I just want to share with you the problems our daughter and granddaughter are having with Los Angeles County DCFS.  On Sunday April 1 at 7:00 pm I will be on Straight Talk with John Narzarin (link http://www.straighttalkwithjohnjnazarian.com/ )I will be discussing the problems with Professional monitor Phyllis Block and DCFS violating policies, procedures, court orders,etc and continue to do so with no regards to our granddaughter's safety and health.

I myself never thought this could happen to my family, but here we are fighting to save our granddaughter who was raped by her father Jason Moncibais.  Our granddaughter continues to be molested and abused by Jason's father Sal Moncibais and his wife Margaret (Killeen) Moncibais and DCFS is not doing anything to stop it.  In fact, they charged my daughter for emotional abuse, fabricated lies and had the judge drop the molestation charges against the father and asked for custody to be switched to the child abuser and molester father.  This is totally sick minded people and my tax dollar is paying for DCFS to punish my daughter and granddaughter...just sick

I have also attached an email sent to Philip Browning who is suppose to be in charge of LA County DCFS, but I believe he is just window dressing,   Hopefully the file won't be too big for most of you, where I will find a bunch of return emails.

Rick Perez

Reseda, CA 91335


BCC to other moms and advocates

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Sent: Mon, 26 Mar 2012 01:04:54 -0700
Subject: Los Angeles County DCFS Child Social Workers violating Laws

TO: Philip L. Browning Los Angeles County Children and Family Services

Phone: (213) 351-5600 Fax: (213) 427-6125

E-mail: pinquiries@dcfs.lacounty.gov, pbrowning@childsupport.co.la.ca.us, Philip L. Browning finkld@dcfs.lacounty.gov, Paul Freedlund lmandel@bos.lacounty.gov, Lisa Mandel mayor@lacity.com, Antonio Villaraigosa

Morning Mr. Browning,

Los Angeles County DCFS Child Social Workers are violating Local Laws, Court Orders, DCFS Policies / Procedures and Violating my Daughter’s and Granddaughter’s rights as victim of crime in the California Constitution and the U. S. Constitution. Whether it’s the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) or U.N. Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959) they would be in the eyes of the world as violators of International laws. How can the United States dictate to other countries how to treat human beings when they don’t enforce their own laws at all levels of government?

Los Angeles County Child Abuse and Neglect Protocol (ICAN) were developed for all agencies to work together quickly and efficiently to assure the protection, safety, and health an alleged child abuse and neglect. The Los Angeles County Child Abuse and Neglect indicated in their Mission Statement:

“Protocol is promulgated to serve as a guideline for professionals countywide to protect victims of abuse, to maximize successful interventions, to hold abusers responsible and accountable for the harm done, and to prevent new victimizations.”

I have sent to you the attached letter once before with no response from you concerning children’s court case CK90067and Jason Moncibais DUI Arrest report, which I have sent to various officials at DCFS and to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, but apparently they have no concerns in the regards to the continuation of our granddaughter being abused, molested and endangered by her father Jason Moncibais and the paternal grandfather Sal Moncibais and step-grandmother Margaret Killeen.

Deviation from these guidelines will not promote protection to the children who are victims of abuse and neglect, our granddaughter is an example of that deviation.

Please see the attached letter and I do have the California Highway Patrol Narrative/Supplemental dated February 4, 2012 and the Arrest Investigation report dated February 25, 2012. Please note the time when Jason Moncibais was tested for alcohol levels was over 2 ½ hours after he picked up our granddaughter at the LAPD Topanga Police Station and it was entered as .23 @ 1409 hrs .26 @ 1413 hrs and .22 @ 1417 hrs in the report. Blood Alcohol Count levels diminishes .015 per hour and just think what his BAC level was at the time when CHP officer Hines first observed Jason Moncibais driving into the church parking lot with our granddaughter in the vehicle, as high as .29 BAC @ 1210 hrs. My daughter requested for an officer at the front counter to check if Jason Moncibais was intoxicated and the officer refused to check him, because they do not want to get involved. LAPD at their finest moment, “Serve and Protect”

CHP Officer Hines observed on 02/04/2012 at about 12:11 PM a white pickup truck drive into the parking lot and stop directly in front of the stairs where he was standing and saw a Hispanic male (Jason Moncibais) and a young female child.

CHP Officer Hernandez observed the subject exit vehicle and he lost his grip and almost fell out of the vehicle. While the office was speaking with him he smelled the overwhelming odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from his breath, his eyes were red and watery. Mr. Moncibais failed the pre-field sobriety tests.






As I was reading the words of a young mother in Washington state who recently committed suicide, I was reminded of an essay a British mum wrote and I wanted to rerun it.  Kodi Hawthorne had her nine month old daughter taken from her in a horrific battle instigated by her ex-boyfriend Travis.  It was a hateful campaign to completely destroy her, and it did.  (Please moms, get help before considering suicide.  This hurts so many people including the children and it lets the bastard win.)

Back to the British mum…Marie is incredible at expressing the horrifying experience of children being ripped from their mothers by fathers out of spite.  Her blog is Kids Need Mums .

If I were a ghost, I could spend more time with my children – yet another nightmare dream

I woke up crying from a dream I had last night. The tears started during my dream: my dream-self was crying and as I woke up, I was still crying.

I had dreamt that I had become a ghost. My ghost-self was able to be anywhere that my children were – it felt wonderful. If they were asleep in their room, I could sit on the end of the bed and just watch them sleeping. If they were sitting quietly reading a book, I could sit next to them mouthing the words alongside them and watch the expressions changing on their faces when they read a funny piece or a puzzling piece or simply watch them becoming drawn into a fantasy world. A world where I was too. I could run outside and play with them, chasing after a ball or just cheering them on…

Nobody would notice, so nobody could stop me. No-one could tell me that I shouldn’t be near my children. I could spend all day and all night with them. If I was lucky, they might become aware of my presence in a positive way and just feel comforted that their mum was with them then they could sleep soundly, assured in the knowledge that my love was all around them even when I was not physically able to hold them and cuddle them.

No wonder I awoke crying…..it’s simply a dream and not a possibility…..

[Don't worry - I'm not suicidal. Far from it, I would never do that to my kids and I feel no reason to do it since making a full recovery]

I dread going to sleep nowadays. Most nights I dream about missing my children, about them being taken away, about them being in trouble and not being able to help them, about having to witness their tears and not be able to wipe them away, about them growing up without me, forgetting that they had a mum. I can only sleep with a sleeping tablet and then I still wake up fretting with a dread in my stomach and memories of the dreams I’ve had floating in and out in the early hours.

I never tell the children I have these dreams. When they tell me of their own bad nightmares, they tell of dreams of me having my head chopped off or about being eaten by a giant spider or about being kidnapped and me not coming to rescue them. My youngest wakes up scared that I really have had my head chopped off and is constantly scared that her dream will come true. She’s fretting about whether I’m safe and whether I will die. No matter how much reassurance I give her, she’s not convinced that I’m alright. She’s often telling me that she loves me “to the moon, and all the way around the universe and every atom in the universe!…..” but then goes on to ask how much I love her, seeking constant reassurance that I do.

My son is being teased at school for the fact that his mum doesn’t live with him; they tease him in front of other boys saying “your mum doesn’t live with you” in a taunt, repeating it until my son has to walk away. What does he tell them? How does he explain? He can’t; he simply has to walk away, hurting. No other boy in the whole school has a mother who doesn’t live with her son. He has to nurse that hurt on his own. Unlike other children with divorced parents who can share their hurt, he can’t; his family story is different from everyone else’s. It’s acceptable to have a father living away, but there is no other mother who is……How does he explain that even to himself, let alone to anyone else….

No wonder we are all having nightmares; it is a nightmare, whether you are awake or asleep and there is no end in sight….this is not a dream, but a harsh reality that my children and I are living in and we won’t wake up to find that it’s just a dream…..it’s horribly real.

Fathers Rights - Mysogynists, Woman Haters, Who Attack All Women


Southern Poverty Law Center on the Fathers' Rights Movement

Monday, 19 March 2012 15:16

"...an underworld of misogynists, woman-haters whose fury goes well beyond criticism of the family court system, domestic violence laws, and false rape accusations. There are literally hundreds of websites, blogs and forums devoted to attacking virtually all women (or, at least, Westernized ones)

-- the so-called "manosphere,"... While some of them voice legitimate and sometimes disturbing complaints about the treatment of men, what is most remarkable is the misogynistic tone that pervades so many. Women are routinely maligned as sluts, gold-diggers, temptresses and worse; overly sympathetic men are dubbed "manginas"; and police and other officials are called their armed enablers...

"But some experts argue that men's rights groups have been remarkably successful... have taken over the way courts deal with custody issues, particularly when there are allegations of abuse, largely by convincing them that there is such a thing as 'Parental Alienation Syndrome' (PAS)... have 'been able to get custody evaluators, mediators, guardians ad litem and child protective service workers to believe that women and children lie about abuse.'...


Source: Justice Posterous

American Mothers Political Party Denounces “Dominick’s Law” In Michigan


American Mothers Political Party Denounces “Dominick’s Law” In Michigan

Written by Staff

Tuesday, 20 March 2012 14:07

American Mothers Political Party
March 20, 2012

American Mothers Political Party

Denounces “Dominick’s Law” In Michigan

Mothers are the natural guardians of children as Corrine Baker was when she used her own body as a shield to try and protect her child, Dominick Calhoun.

Neighbors ignored her screams and authorities said Baker did not do “enough” to protect her son from a fatal beating inflicted by her then-live-in boyfriend, Brandon Joshua-Frederick Hayes, who was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for torture, murder and child abuse.  This is what second degree (scapegoating) manslaughter looks like is when a woman endures this kind of beating trying to protect her child.

It has been duly noted that those supporting and those who are the purported “creators” of Dominick’s Law and the recent threats that have been made against those that support Dominick’s mother.  We are not deterred.

According Michigan Legislature: 

(g) "Serious mental harm" means an injury to a child's mental

condition or welfare that is not necessarily permanent but results

in visibly demonstrable manifestations of a substantial disorder of

thought or mood which significantly impairs judgment, behavior,

capacity to recognize reality, or ability to cope with the ordinary

demands of life.

“Dominick's Law” will only justify what Michigan has done to this battered mother who tried to protect her child and all future domestic abuse victims.  In essence, the pseudo-scientific theory of Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) will be legal in Michigan if this law is passed the way it is currently written.  What is “enough” to protect a child from harm?

American Mothers Political Party is not just mothers but fathers, sisters aunts, daughters, sons, nieces, nephews, family, friends, coworkers and neighbors who support battered mothers and their rights to raise their children.

Until human mothers are honored or recognized as the natural guardians of her children, no rights will exist for any one. “Mother” is the cry of the dying soldier on the battlefield, “Mother” is the first person everyone sees when they are born, all other species “get this” - all except the terribly wrong and failed “human experiment”' of the murder of motherhood, and everyone's else’s rights over mother nature’s.

AMPP will not support this law as it is currently written and will continue to denounce those that mean to do the supporters of mothers harm.

# #

Videos http://vodpod.com/ampp/corrinebaker

American Mothers Political Party Denounces “Dominick’s Law” In MichiganAMPP stands in support of Corrine Baker. Authorities said Baker did not do enough to protect her son from a fatal beating inflicted by her then-live-in boyfriend, Brandon Joshua-Frederick Hayes, who was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for torture, murder and child abuse. ALTHOUGH SHE USED HER BODY AS SHIELD.

Take a Look at what 2nd degree (scapegoating) manslaughter is when you endure this kind of beating trying to PROTECT her CHILD.The DA is scapegoating the Calhoun's are scapegoating and Dominick's law will only JUSTIFY what MI has done to this battered mom who tried to protect!! 15-30 years!! Scapegoating!!!


Topeka, KS - TREC- Child Trafficking and profiting agency- Whores of the Court Who endanger Women and Children Assist Batterers in getting custody of their Children from the mother in Revenge for her leaving him.



Every one jumps aboard the job created security band wagon of taking battered mothers children from them. What is wrong with these people? Batterers who are a threat and or are dangerous to need supervision CHILDREN DO NOT NEED THIS!!!


TREC aka Odyssey, Kara Haney  (who actually admits supporting abusers) and Julie Damron-Dittmer, as well as safe Visits Connie Sanchez have a NOTED HISTORY of keeping battered mothers away from their mothers. See: Claudine Dombrowski and Rikki Dombrowski Case- The 8 time convicted and admitted Batterer HAL G. RICHARDSON.


Social Workers ARE NOT trained by the State of Kansas to DEAL with Batterers, Their program is their own program- and does nothing but hurt victims of violence. The Mothers and the Children. This is truly a govt sanctioned and tit sucking agency.  They all feed off the Family Court tit, they all make more money by supervised visits and by keeping the cases in the family court for years!!


All the little (cant make it any other way) for profit Whores of the Court Batterer and Pedophile Friendly – Battered Mother Child harvesting---



Area agency attempts to fill gap from United Way cuts


Julie Damron-Dittmer, family services director for the Treatment Resource and Education Center, sits in one of the facility's new rooms for families to visit in.   ANN WILLIAMSON/THE CAPITAL-JOURNAL


Julie Damron-Dittmer, family services director for the Treatment Resource and Education Center, sits in one of the facility's new rooms for families to visit in.


By Aly Van Dyke


With news of United Way funding cuts to another children visitation and exchange service in Topeka, the Treatment Resource and Education Center has stepped up services to meet the need.

TREC, which operates out of 220 S.W. 33rd St., has tripled its space, doubled its visitation staff and upped its security — all in an effort to fill a gap that will widen if Safe Visit closes its doors.

Safe Visit is a support program under the YMCA umbrella and operates out of the Seaman Church, 2036 N.W. Taylor. The 15-year-old Topeka program — which provides more than 1,000 supervised visits and exchanges of children a year — announced in January it might have to cease operations by the end of February.

But program administrator Connie Sanchez said that won’t happen.

“We’re going to make it,” Sanchez said Friday. “We’ve just gotten a lot of support, and I’ve heard from so many people that we can’t go away.”

News of Safe Visit’s potential closure came on the tails of an announcement from United Way of Greater Topeka that the agency wouldn’t be awarded any noncommitted money this year. In the past, Safe Visit received $70,000 from United Way — about half of the organization’s budget.

It is one of eight former United Way programs that didn’t receive funding in the first round of applications. Two programs — Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas’s Parent Child Learning Center and Breakthrough House’s Emergency Aid program — have ceased because of the funding cuts.

United Way of Greater Topeka committed more than $6 million during the next three years to area nonprofit groups, with its first round of funding. Another $543,000 has been designated to local agencies. The agency is planning two more funding rounds in 2012.

In the wake of Safe Visit’s previous announcement, TREC prepared to fill the void — though it wasn’t clear exactly how big it that would be. At different times, the number of families that would need help ranged from 170 cases a week to 300.

“We didn’t know what we needed to be prepared for,” said Julie Damron-Dittmer, family services director for TREC. “There was a lot of confusion about what was going to happen.”

So TREC contacted the landlords of its Visit/Exchange Center and increased its space from five suites to nine. It added seven on-call visitation staff members to its staff of five.

TREC also increased security both for on- and off-site visits — a need, Damron-Dittmer said, because Safe Visit is known for its security.

“One judge describes TREC as the place to send families that don’t have a safety concern, and Safe Visit for those that do,” she said, adding that the new security measures should change that perception.

At least one security staff member is on site at all times, she said, and the program now has the ability to call in law enforcement for off-site visits.

With the new space — renovated with personal money from the organization’s five administrators — TREC can accommodate more than 670 visits a week, Damron-Dittmer said. The number of referrals and families has increased since Safe Visit’s announcement, she said.

TREC does some things differently from Safe Visit, Damron-Dittmer said — the primary difference being that TREC supervises off-site visits, some as far away as Kansas City.

Safe Visit doesn’t offer off-site supervision, Sanchez said, because both state and national standards consider community supervision a safety risk.

Visit arrangements also depend on what the judge orders, Damron-Dittmer said, and can be changed through a judge if safety is considered an issue. The program also does home studies before visitations.

TREC tries to accommodate the family as much as possible, too, she said. The center has visits until 8 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, 6 p.m. Saturdays and 5 p.m. Sundays. It opens at 8 a.m. every day except Sunday, when services start at 1 p.m.

And TREC doesn’t rely on any grant funding, Damron-Dittmer said. None of the money the nonprofit receives goes to pay administrative salaries, she said. They work as volunteers.

Instead, money goes to pay the security and supervision staff and, she said, “to keep the lights on.”

Although the United Way of Greater Topeka has opened its noncommitted funds to all area nonprofits, Damron-Dittmer said, she has no intention of applying for anything at this time.

Relying on grant funding isn’t secure, she said.

TREC also provides a batterers’ intervention program, counseling and therapy services and outpatient drug and alcohol therapy.


Lawmaker Suggests Beaten Ladies Remember the Good Times


Lawmaker Suggests Beaten Ladies Remember the Good Times #vaw #fatherhood


A thoughtful, sensitive male Wisconsin legislator has proclaimed that he is against divorce under all circumstances — even spousal abuse. And he's got a message to all those ladies out there getting the shit beaten out of them by their husbands: remember the good times, back before things took an abusive turn, and maybe you'll fall in love again. There, isn't that better? Now, chin up, and go back out into that awful marriage of yours like a champ.

The obtuse anti divorce champion is Republican Don Pridemore. And this isn't the first time the Heartless Cheesehead has acted in a manner most unbecoming.

Remember earlier this month when another Wisconsin lawmaker thoughtfully suggested that maybe single parenthood should be considered a factor that may be indicative of child abuse? Pridemore was a co-sponsor of the bill that would've made it a crime for a person to dare try to raise a child on their own outside of the pillowy soft Magic Zone of marriage. But what about women who are being abused by their husbands? Shouldn't they have the option to extract themselves from an unhealthy situation? Nope, says Pridemore. And he's got some expert abused spouse marital advice as well: "If they can refind those reasons and get back to why they got married in the first place it might help."

So, the solution to divorce and spousal abuse is just remembering why you love your abuser? Did he learn about love, relationships, and psychology from tragic early country songs?

In addition to being a ladyhating idiot, Pridemore ignores the fact that men can be victims of physical or emotional abuse as well — and the fact that a poor quality marriage can be a contributing factor to child abuse. Let's get those bitches married, the way God intended! Come hell or high water or emergency room visits or a life lived in a state of utter terror!

Meanwhile Glenn Grothman, the "single parenthood is child abuse" bill's awful asshat of an author, has not only doubled down on the legislation, but he's attempted to out-cock himself by singling women out as the culprits of this non-plural parenthood pandemic. It's the women, you see, who have chosen to raise children by themselves over the course of the last 30 years. And that needs to change right now, by criminalizing single motherhood and legally bullying them into loveless and harmful marriages (and, oddly, penalizing people who dare get married to someone who is fated to die tragically at a young age, leaving them to raise the child or children by themselves).

On behalf of current and former residents of America's Dairyland, I implore State Senators Grothman and Pridemore to stop embarrassing themselves and all Wisconsinites with their nakedly misogynist antics. Statements like these from people who are supposed to be promoting public interest make Bucky Badger cry

Wisconsin GOP to battered women: Don't get divorced [Addicting Info]


New study -- Fathers kill children for revenge on their mothers when the women leave them


New study -- Fathers kill children for revenge on their mothers when the women leave them

"A new study of child murders... men and women are equally capable of killing children, but their motives for killing are very different. Men are more likely to kill their children in order to take revenge on ex-partners and to make them suffer... The study, Just Say Goodbye, draws on court documents to analyse cases where children have died at the hands of parents whose relationship has broken down...

"[E]ven more than violence, research shows that a history of obsessive controlling behaviour -- a sense of entitlement -- can be a pointer to a man's inability to accept the separation... vengeful enough to kill their children to punish her for the separation...

"[O]ften obscured is the father's attitude to the mother during and after the relationship, his sense of entitlement to control the family, extreme anger with the mother over separation, and threats to harm the children..." http://www.theage.com.au/national/child-killer-study-finds-diverse-motives-fo...

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